All Classes

Base Producer class providing including/excluding.
Binary package control file.
A ChangeSet basically reflect a release as defined in the changes file.
Reflecting a changes file
Compression method used for the data file.
Plug in your favorite log implementation.
A field of a control file.
The format of a field.
A control file as specified by the Debian policy.
Ant "data" element acting as a factory for DataProducers.
Maven "data" element acting as a factory for DataProducers.
A DataConsumer consumes Data produced from a producer.
Provides Data to a DataConsumer.
Providing data from an archive keeping permissions and ownerships.
DataProducer iterating over a directory.
DataProducer representing a single file For cross-platform permissions and ownerships you probably want to use a Mapper, too.
Data producer that places multiple files into a single destination directory.
DataProducer providing data from an Ant fileset.
DataProducer representing a single file For cross-platform permissions and ownerships you probably want to use a Mapper, too.
AntTask for creating debian archives.
A generic class for creating Debian archives.
Creates Debian package
Convenience class to provide digest info and length of a stream.
Defines a symbolic or hard link.
Reads permissions and ownerships from a "ls -laR > mapping.txt" dump and maps entries accordingly.
Ant "mapper" element acting as factory for the entry mapper.
Maps one entry to another.
Maven "mapper" element acting as factory for the entry mapper.
Resolve variables based on a Map.
Something went wrong while building the package
Applies a uniform set of permissions and ownership to all entries.
An output stream that calculates the signature of the input data as it is written
Signing with OpenPGP.
Simple utilities to deal with symbolic links
Gets the changes from a changes file.
Simple utils functions.
Interface for resolving variables.